Today was no different. Where I work there is constant squawking daily. I knew that one of the birds was a pair of mockingbirds. I have seen the pair daily and they get pretty close as they do their fly-bys. I have said to myself that I should post myself outside my office and get some photos of them. So today I did. This is definitely my favorite photo of the day. I just love how close I was able to get and how vocal the bird was.
The main chatter comes from a group of yellow chevroned parakeets (I had to look that up). These birds are beautiful, but Nuh-hois-eeeey! Wow, they make a racket that you can hear down the street. I wandered near the tree they were in and looked hard to find them. They are camouflaged so well that it took me 5 full minutes to actually see one in the leaves. Then they flew to the open trees with very few leaves. That's when I got some fun shots.
These birds remind me of lovebirds. They are constantly necking. First one would nuzzle the other, then they'd kiss and then one would bite the other and then the squawking continued. It was hilarious. I wanted to get in closer, but they were wary of me. So here are some of the shots. I am happy to have met a new species of bird today. I wonder what it will be tomorrow!
Ok. So I love birds.
Very nice close ups, you were able to get pretty close and ended up with some nice sharp images.
oooohhh, those babies are beautiful. My sister is a bird lover. She has 10 or 12 bird feeders, 3 hummingbird feeders & about 3 dozen birdie houses in our yards. I wake every morning to the sounds of them singing. It is wonderful. My sister has binoculars and watches them every morning. I will share your pics with her. these are great!
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