Greetings my faithful blog readers! I am writing to you from the Mammoth Lakes in California. We needed a vacation and this was the spot we picked. We got here yesterday and couldn't wait to get some photos. After a much-needed nap we began our adventure. What a B-E-A-utiful place. I love how open everything is and how green it is. Kymberli took me to Convict Lake because it was a place she remembered well. What a wonderful blob of paint for my camera-canvas. I took a few shots and really soaked it in. Here is my favorite one.

I am processing today's images right now and will either post another group of images tonight or tomorrow night. We found this cool coffee shop, Looney Bean, where they have bands that play outside and every brings their own alcoholic beverage. I was shocked and felt odd because we were drinking coffee (she had decaf) and everyone else had wine or beer. Too. Funny. I am going to try and capture of photo of it tonight.
Have a safe, great holiday weekend everyone.
Sounds like you are having a good time. You two deserve it. Enjoy all of Gods beauty.
Love & God Bless
Mom II
PS Great pic looks so peaceful
Mammoth, what a great senic place for a photographer to have a vacation, the only better thing is two photographers on vacation. I look forward to seeing more of your shots.
Beautiful shot, honey!
That just makes me feel peaceful inside. Your photos move me. thanks for sharing!!!!
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